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Fill Up Your Well

Writer: Melanie OBrienMelanie OBrien

Wow! Is it just me or has the last few weeks been tough on everyone? I just had 2 weeks of trying to juggle school holidays and give enough time to my daughter, with getting work completed for my clients and still having time to work on my own marketing & content creation to ensure I was visible to any new clients. It was rainy weather, the child was sick, she passed that lovely tummy bug on to me and we were both flat on our backs on the couch. When the day finally arrived for her to go back to school I enjoyed one day of partial work, as I was still suffering from nausea that felt like the first trimester of pregnancy and then she came home with the chicken pox and was home for the whole first week of school! It really was a an onslaught of one thing after another and I found myself struggling to do normal basic tasks let alone my usual routine of going to the gym and meditating! I felt low, I felt tired and I felt like it was all just a bit too hard. Who wouldn't?

I am like most working women who are also mothers, trying to do it all and be everything to everyone. I'm trying to make a success of my own business, by trying to support other women in business with marketing strategies that will ultimately attract their dream customers who also need them. It's a never ending cycle of support and raising each other up and I love it. I love helping business owners who exist to help others in some way, get their beautiful message out there to the people that need them. That's why I am in business and its why I ride the highs and lows of running my own business....just like everyone else. But I also believe in universal life force energy and astrological forces and cycles that come into play and that have the capacity to either carry us along beautifully in flow or crash down on us like a tidal wave and take us out of action. And when that happens, there isn't anything you can do to stop it other than surrender. It sounds basic but if you burn the candle at both ends, work too much, work too hard, experience stress and you don't take the time to get the proper rest and take care of yourself, your body will eventually throw its hands up in the air and say "Stop! I need a rest!.

We all know what happens if you don't put your own oxygen mask on before you help others. So now that I am coming out of the other side of all of this, feeling like myself, getting to the gym, feeling good and singing a happy tune, the ideas for new products and services and events are flowing thick and fast. I have had the brilliant idea of arranging a retreat on the Gold Coast for Biz Babes who need a little me time but also want to dedicate some loving attention to the soul of their business. It was quite a strong pull I was feeling at 4.52pm on Monday afternoon to research some properties that might be able to host a lovely group of ladies and cater to their deep need for self care and self love whilst taking action and dedicating time to their business. Without the kids wanting attention, without the husband wanting to know what's for dinner and without any of the usual distractions that take us away from creating and manifesting what we want in our life and biz. I didn't really question why I felt called to create my own ideal retreat at the time....but now that I have just relived the last 3 weeks in this blog post I can see clearly its because its what I need myself! If you are relating to my story then maybe you need it too?

So I've found the luxury house, there is availability for 26th - 28th October and I've got room for 10 biz babes who are called to come and dedicate this time to themselves and their business.

I've pulled the oracle cards, I've put it out there to the universe that if its meant to be in such a short time period it will be. And how's this......I got the Fill Up Your Well Card today from the Rebecca Campbell Work Your Light Oracle Card Deck which is so totally appropriate it really does make me laugh. Book by Friday 19th October for super special rate of $990.

The meaning of the card.....Retreat. Rest. Refuel. Nothing can grow in barren lands. You are no good to anyone if you are running on empty. What nourishes you is your medicine so do something to fill up your well today. If your Work Your Light Action is to do something to fill up your well today then I can't think of anything more perfectly suited than my Light it Up Retreat on the Gold Coast. So do you want to join me?

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